a whole nother

language and thoughts about it

Friday, November 04, 2005



Google's latest step toward world dominance: print.google.com.

I searched there for whole nother yesterday and found numerous results, including two from linguistics-related books. That pleased me.

And I haven't heard whole nother in at least a month because everyone I know knows the phrase. So I present another linguistic anomoly I recently heard...

Dave: "I'm giving a presentation on coal mining in West Virginia this afternoon."

Kent: "But you don't know anything about coal mining in West Virginia."

Dave: "I know. I guess it was in student news. One of my friends forwardeded to me."

Kent, I don't think it's "forwardeded." I think it's "forwarded it." Run together, it can sound like "forwardeded," but I'm pretty sure that Dave would have said "forwarded it." In other news, we had a discussion about "whole nother" in the teacher's lounge a couple weeks ago. I meant to e-mail you, but I forgot.
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